Tony Gregory

Chief Instructor & Senior Instructor 

Tony Gregory is the Chief Instructor at Indy Arms.  He has spent the last 30 years as a law enforcement officer and trainer, and is a nationally known, award-winning instructor. He did not enter law enforcement until age 40, and prior to his law enforcement career he spent 20 years in the private sector as the CEO of a mid-sized corporation, business consultant, and trainer.  So he brings a perspective to teaching personal defense that comes from having seen it in both theory and practice.  He retired from the Marion County Sheriff’s Office in 2015 as Captain and Assistant Director of the Training Academy.  He is a part-time Captain and Training Director for the Homecroft Police Department.

Tony holds 75 instructor and armorer certificates in firearms, defensive tactics, secondary weapons, use-of-force, and related areas.  In addition to teaching civilians defensive firearms, he works as an Expert Witness in both law enforcement and civilian use-of-force cases, and also does contract instruction for law enforcement agencies.

Tony has had the good fortune to train extensively over the past 35 years at most of the leading private defensive academies and firearms training organizations in the U.S. He will be the first to tell you that he has “no original ideas” and didn’t invent any of what he teaches. But having studied under many of the individuals who have developed our understanding of self-defense encounters, it has become his mission to share as much of that knowledge as he can with those who need it.

Tony and Training Director Joel Nadler have co-developed and written most of the Indy Arms Training Curriculum, and continue to develop new courses to meet student demand and interest.

You may contact Tony at:  317-250-7531 or